There’s the age-old adage, “Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it.”  Back in September, I was asked by someone I know to hack into their joint account.  I refused.  Now here I am, sitting at my job, on my lunch break, writing this blog post, looking forward to next Friday and the graduation ceremony.  No charges to worry about, not facing any jail time.  Not this guy.  His friend was in jail, so he used his skills to hack into the county jail system.  He used his skills in attempt to break his friend out of jail (by giving the friend and others an early release).  He was caught, tried, and convicted.  Now he is waiting for the sentence he has to serve.  He may be facing more time than the friend that he was trying to break out (who knows what sentence the other friend was facing, and the hacker is facing up to 10 years in prison).  Check it out:

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